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Check out our mental health blog for expert resources and strategies on a variety of mental health and wellness topics.
Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy Right for Me?
The human body has an estimated 37 million cells, all of which communicate via electromagnetic fields as well as atoms and chemicals. Any disruption to the process of electromagnetic flow of energy in the cells can create impaired cell metabolism and lead...
July 24, 2024
Psychiatrist vs Psychologist: Which is Right for You?
When you’re seeking mental health services, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. “Psychiatrists” and “Psychologists“ are often used as interchangeable terms to refer to mental health providers. However, these terms refer to specific health care ...
July 23, 2024
Using Gabapentin For Anxiety
There are many drugs used to treat anxiety. New studies are now showing that Gabapentin has been a successful treatment for individuals who suffer from anxiety. However, there are no randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness of this medication in ...
July 22, 2024
How To Get Motivated When You are Depressed
Clinical depression can change your brain in a way that makes it difficult to experience a sense of pleasure or reward. When you feel depressed, sad, numb, or simply exhausted, you might feel that there is no purpose to anything. You might think "What's t...
July 21, 2024
How to Prevent Postpartum Depression
The arrival of a newborn is a major life event for many families, a beautiful mix of joy, excitement, and of course, a touch of exhaustion. But for some new mothers, the emotional rollercoaster can turn into something darker – postpartum depression (PPD)....
July 19, 2024
ADD Vs ADHD: What You Need to Know
If you were asked to imagine a person with attention deficit disorder, what images would come to your mind? Take a moment and try to picture it. When attention deficit disorder is mentioned, or portrayed in the media, it often evokes the image of someone ...
July 18, 2024
PHP vs IOP Part 1: What Does it all Mean!?
Over my 14-year career, I have often been asked to help friends/family/friends of friends navigate the mental health system. It has become pretty clear to me that unlike other realms of health care, mine is somewhat of a mystery to those outside of the fi...
July 17, 2024
What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 101
Brene Brown, a research professor, and storyteller has centered her research on topics of shame, courage, empathy, and vulnerability. Why is this important you ask? Hold tight. Because approximately 12 million adults in the United States suffer from Post...
July 16, 2024
What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
Content warning: please be advised that this article contains mentions of suicide. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), as defined by the Mayo Clinic, is a mental health disorder that impacts the way individuals think and feel about themselves and othe...
July 13, 2024
How to Tell if a Child Has ADHD
Ever feel like your child is always on a perpetual sugar rush? Is keeping them focused a constant battle? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be a confusing topic for parents. It can be difficult to decide if your child is simply being a k...
July 11, 2024
What is Anxiety? A Guide to Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
Many people are familiar with the term "anxiety" and have a general understanding of what it means. However, some individuals may not fully grasp what anxiety truly is or might have misconceptions about its definition and symptoms. Understanding anxiety d...
July 09, 2024
TMS Therapy vs ECT For Depression
Let's face it, dealing with depression can leave you feeling like you're fighting a battle you can't win. It can zap your energy, steal your joy, and make even getting out of bed feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. If you've been battling depr...
July 02, 2024
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