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Blog Posts About TMS

Learn everything you need to know about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a treatment for depression, with our comprehensive blogs.
Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy Right for Me?
The human body has an estimated 37 million cells, all of which communicate via electromagnetic fields as well as atoms and chemicals. Any disruption to the process of electromagnetic flow of energy in the cells can create impaired cell metabolism and lead...
July 24, 2024
TMS Therapy vs ECT For Depression
Let's face it, dealing with depression can leave you feeling like you're fighting a battle you can't win. It can zap your energy, steal your joy, and make even getting out of bed feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. If you've been battling depr...
July 02, 2024
Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Safe?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is increasingly recognized as a valuable treatment option for depression, particularly when traditional therapies have failed. One of the most popular questions asked when someone is considering TMS therapy is “ is ...
June 21, 2024
Is TMS Worth Trying?
Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an innovative and increasingly popular treatment option designed to alleviate symptoms of depression.
May 21, 2024
TMS Therapy and Depression
TMS Therapy, also known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a treatment option for various mental health disorders such as depression. During TMS treatment, a magnetic coil is put on top of the scalp that sends short magnetic pulses and can impact ne...
December 05, 2023
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