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Blog Posts About ADD/ADHD

Explore our collection of insightful blogs on ADHD, offering expert tips & information. Clarity Clinic is here to help you better understand your ADHD diagnosis.
ADD Vs ADHD: What You Need to Know
If you were asked to imagine a person with attention deficit disorder, what images would come to your mind? Take a moment and try to picture it. When attention deficit disorder is mentioned, or portrayed in the media, it often evokes the image of someone ...
July 18, 2024
How to Tell if a Child Has ADHD
Ever feel like your child is always on a perpetual sugar rush? Is keeping them focused a constant battle? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be a confusing topic for parents. It can be difficult to decide if your child is simply being a k...
July 11, 2024
Self-Care for People with ADHD
Self-care is an essential part of mental, physical, and emotional health. Self-care involves taking intentional steps to nurture and care for yourself while also managing your responsibilities and obligations. Balancing self-care while having adult Attent...
September 20, 2023
Understanding Adult ADHD
The COVID-19 virus has undoubtedly brought increased stress from loneliness to economic stress. Adults are having to change not only their lifestyles but also navigate changes in career paths or workplace environments. Their once structured and active off...
October 21, 2021
ADHD Awareness Month
While October is known for the welcoming of pumpkin spice lattes, sweater weather, and Halloween, what many don’t know, it is also ADHD awareness month! Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both chi...
October 04, 2019
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