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Blog Posts About Self Harm

Learn about self-harm from our blogs, designed to offer understanding, preventive strategies, & treatment options. Get the help you need today at Clarity.
How to Help a Friend You Think is Self-Harming
Imagine, Amanda and you are eating lunch together on a summer day, in the park. Amanda rolls up her sleeves to begin eating, and you notice cuts and bruising on her arms. Amanda notices you looking, and she quickly rolls down her sleeve. You think to your...
March 16, 2022
Suicide Prevention: When and How to Help
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 120-130 adults die by suicide; that is approximately one every 11-12 minutes. In the United States, it is the 10th leading cause of death. Worldwide, suicide is the 17th leading cause of death. ...
September 09, 2021
Suicide Awareness; What to Look For
According to the American Foundation for suicide prevention, suicide is currently the third leading cause of death for young adults in the United States. The rate at which individuals are contemplating and performing suicide is increasing at an alarming r...
August 25, 2017
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